Criminalizing Homelessness: Reject the Sidewalk Sit-Lie Ban Bills
The bans haven’t worked elsewhere, the need hasn’t been demonstrated and Honolulu already has tools for moving street people along.
Election Reform: Hawaii Should Start Mailing It InÂ
Imagine a Hawaii where elections are simple and efficient, results are announced promptly and authoritatively, and natural disasters don’t cause delays.
It’s Time to Stand Up to SHOPO and Open Police Misconduct Records
The only way to make sure police are not abusing their extraordinary power is to allow the public to scrutinize their actions.
New Honolulu Rail Chief Talks a Good Game
Dan Grabauskas is intent on quickly and expertly getting HART’s vision in front of as many people as possible.
Hawaii Has No More Excuses For Not Improving Accountability
Cvici leaders need to use the nationwide study as a way to bolster transparency and accountability.
Cops, Prostitutes and Pimps: Honolulu Police Owes Public Answers
Police silence raises a troubling question: Who’s in charge?
Big Money Undermines Legitimacy of Congress
Americans can do something about getting big money out of political campaigns.
Taken for a Ride: Collusion in Hawaii School Bus Contracting?
No competitive bids for Hawaii school bus contracts in four years makes question reasonable.
Did City Mislead Public About Rail’s Impact on Congestion?
Civil Beat finds little basis for opponents’ claim that public has been misinformed — even deceived — by Hannemann, others.