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Civil Beat Editorial

Showing 10 of 566 results.
UH Regents Should Let Tuition Hike Move Forward Cory Lum/Civil Beat

UH Regents Should Let Tuition Hike Move Forward

Reducing the tuition that many students are already paying for the 2015-16 academic year would create problems the University of Hawaii system doesn’t need.

Sign the Tobacco and E-Cigarette Ban Challiyil EswarChalakudy via Wikimedia Commons

Sign the Tobacco and E-Cigarette Ban

Hawaii has the opportunity to show leadership nationally in protecting young adults from one of society’s most widespread and costly addictions.

Legislature Needs More Time To Deal With Increasingly Packed Agendas Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Legislature Needs More Time To Deal With Increasingly Packed Agendas

Hawaii lawmakers pushed through a number of needed issues over 60 session days, but many other growing challenges simply weren’t addressed.

Honolulu City Council Must Stop the Sit-Lie Expansion PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Honolulu City Council Must Stop the Sit-Lie Expansion

The measure would only further complicate a homelessness challenge that the recent point-in-time count shows is continuing to grow.

Freddie Gray and America’s Police Culture: Time for a National Review Veggies via Wikimedia Commons

Freddie Gray and America’s Police Culture: Time for a National Review

Both on the mainland and here at home, the way that police interact with black Americans — and police conduct more broadly — must be addressed.

Support Plan to Heal Cancer Center, Med School

Support Plan to Heal Cancer Center, Med School

Filling a $14.1 million budget hole for fiscal year 2017 and addressing the overall funding model are far less costly options than the alternatives.

A Supreme Civil Rights Moment for the High Court ArnoldReinhold via Wikimedia Commons

A Supreme Civil Rights Moment for the High Court

Justices will hear arguments Tuesday in a case that could establish the right to marry for same-sex couples in all 50 states. America is ready.

Making a Deal on Rail Without All the Answers Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Making a Deal on Rail Without All the Answers

Voters are opposed, big questions remain unanswered, but lawmakers move ever closer to a compromise funding rail for years into the future. Time to hit the brakes.

Hirono Should Continue to Resist Efforts to Weaken FOIA Law

Hirono Should Continue to Resist Efforts to Weaken FOIA Law

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono steps up to maintain public access to government records that would become off limits under a new cybersecurity bill.

Grant Obama Fast-Track Authority on Trade Agreement Via Wikimedia Commons

Grant Obama Fast-Track Authority on Trade Agreement

There will be time to judge the merits of whether the Trans Pacific Partnership deal is good for Hawaii and the nation overall. But let’s get a draft on the table first.