Marco Polo Fire: Taxpayers Should Help Pay For High-Rise Sprinklers
Retrofitting old buildings with sprinklers and other vital safety measures is clearly in the best interest of all of us.
Biki Is A Good Start But Honolulu Must Do A Lot More To Be Bike-Friendly
A new bike-sharing system demonstrates that we might become a place where people can safely bike for work and pleasure — someday.
Mayor Caldwell Needs To Act Now To Strengthen The Police Commission
The Honolulu mayor has taken some steps to make the commission more professional. Now he needs to finish the job.
Don’t Drown The Aquarium Bill
Gov. Ige should let Senate Bill 1240, which would eventually phase out aquarium fishing, become law so that it can be improved upon next session.
Ige’s Blown Wespac Appointment Costly For Hawaii
A failure by the governor’s staff to meet a deadline for nominating two representatives to the fisheries council weakens the islands’ influence.
Governor Must Follow Through On Intent To Veto Union Giveaway
Hawaii is already a friendly state for public employee unions, but a bill altering the rules of labor negotiations goes too far.
Honolulu Must Toughen Its Lax Lobbying Rules
Weak disclosure rules make it easy for lobbyists to conceal how much they are spending wining and dining city officials.
Honolulu Needs To Do More For Small Neighborhood Parks
The city has shown progress on taking care of parks and recreation resources, but it should do so equitably. Oh, and a little more soap would be nice.
Hawaii Must Step Up In The Fight Against Climate Change
President Trump’s decision to pull America out of the Paris climate agreement means local officials have more work to do.
Kauai Councilman Violated The Public’s Trust
Derek Kawakami should have reported his interest in a marijuana dispensary business as required.