Here’s An Awesome Idea: Make Hawaii’s Rental Cars Electric Vehicles
This House bill would require that zero-emission vehicles be included in the larger rental car fleets.
Affordable Housing: This Is One Time We Should Look To The Mainland
Many states require that below-market price requirements remain in place far longer than Hawaii does.
Hanabusa Should Follow Her Own Advice And Resign
She said Attorney General Doug Chin should quit to run for Congress, so why does she intend to keep her D.C. post while running for governor?
Time For Defiance Of Jeff Sessions’ Renewed War On Pot
The AG’s attempt to turn back the clock on marijuana is the perfect opening for Hawaii to move ahead by legalizing it.
Hawaii’s Failure To Keep Bad Cops Off The Job Is Criminal
If the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl isn’t enough to move the Legislature to finally act, what would it take?
Honolulu Must Help Businesses Hurt By Rail Construction
The City Council’s aborted attempts can’t be the end of this, because many more businesses are about to be affected.
Hawaii Legislators Must Fix The Broken Workers’ Comp System
The current law favors insurance companies and often fails people who are injured on the job.
Constitutional Convention: It May Be Time To Go Over Legislators’ Heads
If lawmakers continue to ignore the popular will on key issues, the people can take matters into their own hands in November.
No Justice For Abused Toddler
Everything about this alleged day-care child cruelty case stinks.
It’s Not Too Late To Build Rail Better
Let鈥檚 consider stopping at Middle Street and connecting the train to better transportation modes.