Honolulu’s Proposed Beach Park Rules Are Long Overdue
The city Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking public input on new regulations that are a welcome step toward better park management.
Neither Of The Kealohas Deserve Leniency
A letter-writing campaign praising the ex-police chief pins most of the blame on his wife. But there’s more than enough to go around.
Our DC Delegation Needs To Step Up To Save Honolulu’s Drinking Water
The U.S. Navy is willing to go slow and cheap when it comes to averting an environmental catastrophe on Oahu.
Let鈥檚 Put A Muzzle On Those Awful Noise-Polluting Mopeds
The Honolulu City Council is rightly considering legislation that would require mufflers on revamped vehicles.
We Can’t Let Civil Disobedience Continue To Obstruct Our Legal Process
The protesters of TMT, Sherwoods and Kahuku have made their points. But it’s time to move forward.
State Finally Gets It Right With Much Higher Fees At Public Harbors
Hawaii’s 16 small boat harbors are in desperate need of better maintenance, and users need to pay more of the cost.
Honolulu Mayor Should Veto City Council’s Union-Friendly Public Works Bill
Bill 37 offers unsupported justifications to favor organized labor over nonunion general contractors.
Want To ‘Keep Hawaii Hawaii’? That’s Going To Cost Money
Let’s have a serious discussion about levying “green fees” and “eco-taxes” on tourists to preserve the place we all love.
Find The Money Now To Fix Diamond Head’s Lookout
Let’s not wait until somebody is injured or dies at the crumbling summit structure. Are you listening, HTA?
Honolulu Must Reveal Why It Hired Mainland Attorneys
Taxpayers have the right to know why and how their money is being spent on a mysterious federal criminal defense.