Candidate Q&A: State House District 39 — Corey Rosenlee
“When we invest in the education of our people, they will create a more prosperous and sustainable future for Hawaii.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 6 — Angus McKelvey
“The biggest issue facing District 6 at the state level is the property insurance crisis, particularly following the Lahaina disaster.”
Candidate Q&A Kauai County Council — Mel Rapozo
“We simply don’t have the resources to keep up with the demand required by overtourism.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Bart Thomas
“I firmly believe that every six months, county government employees should be held accountable through a scorecard evaluation process.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Abe Apilado Jr.
“We need to prioritize our people and way of life over money. “
Candidate Q&A: State House District 40 — Rosebella Martinez
“I support an open and free Capitol and will support any reform that will increase participation or accountability of the public.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — KipuKai Kualii
“I’ve worked closely with our mayor and housing director to bring about critically needed improvements to our housing policy that incentivize private developers to build more units.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — W. Butch Keahiolalo
“We are literally stepping over visitor dollars to pick up local dimes.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Arryl Kaneshiro
“There needs to be a lot more tolerance toward agriculture from the general public.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Ross Kagawa
“Our population has doubled over the past 50 years while supply of homes throughout that time has not kept up.”