Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 9 — Stanley Chang
“By building at sufficient density, maximizing walkability, minimizing building cost, and restricting ownership to Hawaii residents, we can achieve an abundance of affordable housing.”
Candidate Q&A: Honolulu City Council District 4 — Tommy Waters
“Since I became chair of the council, we have appropriated over $250 million to purchase, build, rehabilitate and incentivize affordable housing.”
Candidate Q&A: 2nd Congressional District — Joe Webster
“I am running as centrist. I hope that more candidates can come out and do the same.”
Candidate Q&A: Maui County Mayor — Cullan Bell
“I’m a fighter. I’ll fight for my home till my last breath. This is our house. We’re taking it back.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 46 — Cross Makani Crabbe
“I would like to implement a civic education curriculum in our schools that also incorporates paths into local job fields.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 42 — Anthony Makana Paris
“Let’s prioritize housing our local families through developing public rentals and rent-to-own and fee-units with residency and resale stipulations that keep them from turning into more investment properties.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 7 — Leo Caires
“We have amazing people in Hawaii and in my district. There are outside forces trying to divide us.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 20 — Kurt Fevella
“I would like to see a program expanding discounts to Hawaii residents buying local produce.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 14 — Angela Young
“Helping the homeless people get medical attention and advocating for mental health will create safer communities.”
Candidate Q&A: Maui County Council Makawao-Haiku-Paia District — Aram Armstrong
“There is a grander dream than living in luxury villas in isolation. We must reclaim the rich multi-cultural heritage of family-centered village life that existed before colonization.“