Candidate Q&A: State House District 42 — Vickie Kam
“I believe now is the time to diversify into sustainable jobs in the renewable resource industry.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 44 — Jo Jordan
“Climate change is a priority for me because Farrington Highway, which is the main ingress and egress along the Leeward Coast, is in an inundation zone.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Council District 7 — Rebecca Villegas
“I rallied hard in the onset of this crisis and represented the concerned voices of my constituents begging for the cruise ships to be turned away and flights to be stopped.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Jakki Nelson
“We need to make working more advantageous than collecting welfare.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Victoria Franks
“There have been life-altering consequences that are far worse than the coronavirus.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Debralynn Desilvacarveiro
“We should be allotting our farmers and herders with more space to live sustainably.”
Candidate Q&A: Kauai County Council — Rory Parker
“The wants of off-island investors, multinational corporations and soon-to-be-sunburned sightseers must never take precedence over local needs.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 10 — Les Ihara
“My preferred future is a knowledge-based economy in which Hawaii residents are the human capital that services the world’s knowledge-related needs.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 10 — Jesus Arriola
“Our legislative leaders must hold other officials and top executives accountable.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 10 — Vicki Higgins
“My big idea is universal basic income for the people of Hawaii. Imagine if this were already in place prior to the unforeseen onset of COVID-19.”