Candidate Q&A: U.S. House District 2 — Ron Burrus
“We must do everything we can to stop and reverse the ever-creeping fascism in our country.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 14 — Nadine Nakamura
“We should take advantage of this opportunity to make telework the new normal.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 14 — Steve Monas
“Everyone should have had the chance to put in place safety measures; we are all essential.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 20 — Mike Gabbard
“We need to implement a state tax credit in the Kapolei area for businesses that expand job opportunities in this community.”
Candidate Q&A: State Senate District 20 — Feena Bonoan
“Send a signal to entrepreneurs that Hawaii is open for business by lowering taxes and making cuts to unnecessary regulations.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 20 — Julia Allen
“We need to make Hawaii business-friendly by reducing taxes and regulations that hamper investment and business development.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 20 —Jackson Sayama
“Ultimately, a diversified economy means growing local, innovative industries to employ local, high-skilled workers.”
Candidate Q&A: Office of Hawaiian Affairs Molokai Trustee — U’i Kahue-Cabanting
“I am pro self-determination. I am praying/fighting to see some form of it within my lifetime so I can give hope to our keiki and future generations.”
Candidate Q&A: Maui County Council West Maui — Sne Patel
“We are probably at the beginning of a global economic downturn, and should be proactive about maintaining our economic health.”
Candidate Q&A: U.S. House District 2 — Felipe San Nicolas
“We are enslaved to the world bankers who don’t want the national debt paid off because they are making billions in interest for their own wealth building.”