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Showing 10 of 668 results.
Here’s How Rape on Campus Remains a Hidden Crime UltraViolet

Here’s How Rape on Campus Remains a Hidden Crime

Colleges have far to go if they want to provide their campus communities with truly useful and meaningful online guidance in cases of sexual assault.

Amnesty International Calls For Decriminalizing Sex Work Civil Beat

Amnesty International Calls For Decriminalizing Sex Work

The global human rights organization says it wants to protect sex workers from unnecessary exploitation and violence. But some oppose the move.

The Withering of the Culture War James Mitchell/

The Withering of the Culture War

America is becoming more diverse and the culture war “wedge issues” that have been successful for over 30 years in politics are losing their edge.

Japan’s ‘Sacred’ Rice Farmers Brace for Pacific Trade Deal’s Death Sentence

Japan’s ‘Sacred’ Rice Farmers Brace for Pacific Trade Deal’s Death Sentence

What’s going on in Maui at the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks has big implications for rice growers 4,000 miles away.

Study: GMO Food Labels Do Not Act as a Warning to Consumers Alexis Baden-Mayer/Flickr

Study: GMO Food Labels Do Not Act as a Warning to Consumers

Surveys in Vermont show that people are unlikely to see GMO labels as an indicator that would scare consumers away from buying products with GMO ingredients.


Great White Shark Populations Are Growing, and That’s Good News Lwp Kommunikáció/Flickr

Great White Shark Populations Are Growing, and That’s Good News

Occupying the top of the marine food chain as they do, sharks are a visible sign of the how our seas are faring.

Classroom Strategy: Let Children Move Around in Class PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Classroom Strategy: Let Children Move Around in Class

Keeping kids sitting at their desks for hours during the day may be more harmful then we think. Let them stand and walk.

U.S. House Meddling With SEC to Block Disclosure of Political Contributions Flickr: DonkeyHotey

U.S. House Meddling With SEC to Block Disclosure of Political Contributions

The provision could thwart ongoing efforts by the SEC to address the practice of securities professionals making political contributions to the government officials with whom they work.

How US Gun Control Compares to the Rest of the World Cory Lum/Civil Beat

How US Gun Control Compares to the Rest of the World

The U.S. is by far the world leader in the number of guns in civilian hands.

Hate Violence and the Tragedy of the Charleston Shootings Wikimedia Commons

Hate Violence and the Tragedy of the Charleston Shootings

How we discuss prejudice and hate violence has tangible effects.