Court Cases Open Window Into Marshallese Adoptions
A lawsuit by a Kentucky couple alleges that an Arkansas attorney offered to fly a Marshallese birth mother to the U.S. despite a treaty that bars such travel
Lawsuit Filed By Injured Chinese Workers Against Saipan Casino
The casino previously received a hefty OSHA fine for hazardous workplace conditions and was cited for paying workers less than the minimum wage.
Guam Governor-Elect Wants Cockfighting To Remain Legal
A nationwide ban on the activity may soon be expanded to include territories.
Why People Become Vegans: The Science Of A Meatless Existence
It’s no surprise that being a vegan is tough, but meat-eaters and meat-abstainers probably have more in common than they might think.
Why You Still Can’t Use Your Cellphone On A Plane
Officials say using a phone won’t disrupt electronics on the plane but could mess with ground cell towers.
US Climate Report Warns Of Worsening Weather Disasters
In Hawaii and the Pacific surface temperatures and sea level continue rising, while extremes such as drought and flooding continue affecting the islands.
Federal Report: No Evidence That Agent Orange Was Used On Guam
A group of veterans have been fighting to get health benefits for illnesses they say are associated with exposure to the dangerous herbicide.
How To Bridge The Political Divide At The Holiday Dinner Table
Healing the country won’t come from Washington. It will come from each of us at our family dinner table.
The World’s Plastic Problem Is Bigger Than The Ocean
But does it make sense to bring the plastic ashore where much of it will end up in landfills?
Guam Catholic Church To File For Bankruptcy Amid Abuse Lawsuits
Archbishop Michael Byrnes says the move will expedite settlement of dozens of claims of child sexual abuse.