Renee Ing
Renee Ing is a community activist who has been working for affordable housing since the 1970s.
Wikimedia Commons/rucksackmag/2017
Limited Equity Co-Ops Could Ease Hawaii鈥檚 Housing Crunch
It looks like any other housing, but it鈥檚 affordable thanks to different financing arrangements.
Adaptive Reuse Of Empty Buildings Could Create Affordable Housing
It’s about 15% to 25% cheaper and brings repurposed properties on-line faster than new construction.
Flickr: Steven Depolo
DOE Ought To Consider Pre-K-To-Third-Grade Model
This approach uses the skills of teachers more efficiently.
Courtesy: Duane Kurisu
Campaign Corner: Housing Shortage Demands Emergency Response
Building low-cost affordable homes on government-owned land can greatly reduce prices.