Noelle Fujii
How Waianae Coast Schools Are Growing Their Own Teachers
High school juniors and seniors are learning about the teaching profession with the hope they’ll stay close to home.
Why Aren’t We Changing Waianae’s Culture Of Fistfights?
“Nobody seems to care,” says a man who lives near where schoolkids regularly congregate to watch two or more students duke it out.
Bill Eliminating Cap On Rail Money Moves Forward
The measure now goes聽to the full City Council for further consideration.
Council Committee Says Thomas Square Should Remain A Public Park
Residents worry that transferring the park to the Department of Enterprise Services will change its culture and introduce commercialization.
House Committee Amends, Passes School Funding Bills
The measures would ask voters to approve taxes that would be dedicated to paying for school operations, including teacher salaries.
School Funding Bills Move Forward In Senate
The House Education Committee will wait til next week to decide whether voters should be asked to raise taxes to pay for teachers.
Teachers Union Seeks Constitutional Amendment To Fund Schools
The Hawaii State Teachers Association is proposing a surcharge on residential investment property and visitor accommodations.
Hawaii’s Cash-Strapped Small Schools Struggle To Operate
The teachers union and a Maui state representative will push proposals to better fund remote neighbor island schools.
State鈥檚 Offer On Pay Unacceptable, Teachers Union Says
The governor’s office won’t confirm it, but the union says the offer is 1 percent lump sum payments in each of the next two years.