Larry Tool
Trump Is Edging Toward The Unthinkable
The president is pushing away military advisors who could steer him toward practical policies and warn him against disastrous missteps.
Donald Trump: The Celebrity Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Trump promises to bring back the good old days in exchange for unlimited power — the very definition of tyranny.
NextEra — Just Say No
Without NextEra we will at least keep the power to find solutions that make sense for us, island by island, district by district, and house by house.
NextEra: An Evening With the Illusionist
Like the movie, we are still seeing the magician on stage but in fact he has already left the building.
Babes Against Civility: Environmentalism Poisons Itself
Babes Against Biotech and other Maui County groups are risking undermining the environmental cause with unfair attacks on opponents.
Maui GMO Initiative: Do-It-Yourself Lawmaking
Citizens are being asked to become legislators with the Maui ballot initiative.
Is it Manufactured Schatz Vs. Real-Deal Hanabusa?
A retired writer on Molokai argues — like the campaign he supports — that Sen. Schatz is a power-hungry politico and Rep. Hanabusa is a woman of the people. Are you convinced?