David Pellegrin

David Pellegrin is Chairman of Honolulu Publishing Company, Ltd.
Attacks On ‘Political Correctness’ Have Gone Too Far Getty Images/iStockphoto

Attacks On ‘Political Correctness’ Have Gone Too Far

It’s OK for colleges to turn down the voices of political extremism. They have other avenues to express their First-Amendment views.

Will Colin Kaepernick Always Have To Take A Knee? Carolyn Hadfield

Will Colin Kaepernick Always Have To Take A Knee?

Protesting police racism by refusing to stand during the playing of the national anthem shouldn’t be the endgame. Better police practices should be.

Djou’s Warning Too Late For A Party Steeped In Birtherism PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Djou’s Warning Too Late For A Party Steeped In Birtherism

Rather than rebuke Trump’s attacks on the truthfulness of President Obama’s birth records five years ago, local Republicans refused to condemn them and in one case even encouraged them.

A Community Leader鈥檚 Anti-Gay Record PF Bentley/Civil Beat/2013

A Community Leader鈥檚 Anti-Gay Record

Mitch D鈥橭lier has had a longstanding close relationship with the religious-right Hawaii Family Forum.

An Open Letter to Tulsi Gabbard sotu.blogs.cnn.com

An Open Letter to Tulsi Gabbard

Whatever a politician’s electoral calculations, doesn’t it make good sense to be responsive to engaged constituents and community media?