Guest Contributor
Ben Lowenthal
Ben Lowenthal was a Civil Beat columnist from April 2023 to June 2024. He grew up on Maui and earned his undergraduate degree studying journalism at San Francisco State University and his law degree at the University of Kansas. He is a deputy public defender on Maui practicing criminal defense in trial and appellate courts. He previously wrote “The State of Aloha” column at The Maui News. He is a deputy public defender practicing criminal defense in trial and appellate courts. He also runs .
Ben Lowenthal: Turning Chronic Unlicensed Drivers Into Felons Is A Bad Idea
The governor should veto a misguided measure legislators passed in reaction to a teen’s tragic death.
Ben Lowenthal: Hawaii Just Won’t Give Up Its Harsh Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws
Police can seize property without a court process if they suspect it is connected to a crime or poses a danger.
Ben Lowenthal: County Fair’s Demise Is Another Loss For Maui
For more than a century, the annual event brought together the island’s diverse communities and was a source of cherished memories for generations of residents.
Ben Lowenthal: Opponents Of Legal Cannabis Say They Want To ‘Keep Hawaii, Hawaii.’ Which Hawaii Are They Talking About?
The rhetoric and attitude don’t remind me of the Hawaii I know.
Ben Lowenthal: Hawaii’s Top Court Says A Fetus Is Not A Person. Alabama Could Not Disagree More
The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that a fetus is not a person and cannot be a crime victim in 2005, a decision that carries extra weight in a post-Roe world.
Ben Lowenthal: Courts Should Not Give Prosecutors A Pass For Using Tainted Evidence
Failed prosecutions are no reason to roll back protections against unconstitutional search and seizure.
Ben Lowenthal: The Surprising Persistence Of Conservatism In True Blue Hawaii
A look at the state’s history shows that homegrown support for Donald Trump and extreme right-wing organizations didn’t materialize overnight.
Ben Lowenthal: We Need Housing, But Not At The Expense Of Local Culture And History
Plans for converting Honolulu’s Bethel Block into affordable housing won’t make a dent in the shortage any time soon.
Ben Lowenthal: Many States Are Moving To Shorten Probation Periods. Hawaii Isn’t One Of Them
Lengthy probation periods can be detrimental to families and community and to chances of reintegrating offenders.