
Will Caron

About the Author

Will Caron

Will Caron is director of communications at the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, a policy research and advocacy nonprofit. Opinions are the author鈥檚 own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat鈥檚 views or that of Appleseed. You can reach him at 聽info@willcaronhawaii.com.

House Speaker Scott Saiki may have lost reelection, but his political ally, Gov. Josh Green, may appoint him to serve as the state’s insurance commissioner.

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About the Author

Will Caron

Will Caron is director of communications at the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, a policy research and advocacy nonprofit. Opinions are the author鈥檚 own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat鈥檚 views or that of Appleseed. You can reach him at 聽info@willcaronhawaii.com.

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I said it before and I say again, Governor Green is looking to be a one term Gov. The appointment of saiki, will surely have a negative impact on his re-election. His true colors are now revealed. Shame on you Green

taxpayingauntie · 5 months ago

Why things never change

surferx808 · 5 months ago

Isn't this the way it works here? After voting out Mufi he found his way leading the HTA. They never go away, just change venues.

wailani1961 · 5 months ago

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