Courtesy DLNR

About the Author

Michael Buck

Michael Buck is a former Hawaii State Forester and Water Commissioner. He holds a masters of science in forest conservation and tropical agriculture.

The challenge is to establish a comprehensive approach that moves from less conflict to more cooperation.

The recent Maui wildfires have raised both old and new issues around water security in Hawaii. Water allocation or who gets how much has always been an issue in Hawaii.

The issues are now magnified with the call for affordable housing, unused agricultural lands that fuel deadly wildfires, contamination of our aquifer from fuel leaks, and a changing climate with less reliable rainfall.

Hawaii has one of the world’s most aspirational water policies for a reason. We are an isolated island chain, and our economies and health of our citizens are dependent on ensuring our water security future.

We have indigenous cultures and communities, who evolved with flowing water in their streams, with legitimate historic and current grievances about loss of their water rights. We have unique species that are dependent on flowing waters from the mountains to the sea.  

The 1978 Constitutional Convention made major changes in how Hawaii manages its freshwater resources. Water policy was further institutionalized by the Legislature in the 1986 State Water Code and clarified in subsequent court cases.

Simply stated, there is no private ownership of water in Hawaii — it is a public trust. 

Priority Areas

The trustees of the state Commission on Water Resource Management have four priority trust areas which are equally protected under the law:

  • maintenance of waters in their natural state;
  • domestic water use of the general public, particularly drinking water;
  • the exercise of Native Hawaiian and traditional and customary rights; and
  • reservations of water for Hawaiian Home Lands.

Hawaii’s water policies have served us well, but the challenge now is to establish a more comprehensive and integrated approach, moving from less conflict to more cooperation. Dedicated support for watershed management, water monitoring, infrastructure support for water conservation and reuse, upgrading dams and reservoirs, forest stewardship, private land assistance programs, and contested case reform are all areas of opportunity.  

Areas To Consider

But we should tread lightly and appreciate the current policies which have served us well. Important areas of opportunity and context to consider in future discussion on reforming Hawaii’s water policies include:

  • Water policy in Hawaii resolves itself in a mix of science, politics, economics, and values. The ongoing debate between water as a right and water as a commodity is a false choice. It is both. The challenge is finding the right balance and developing a governance framework to monitor, assess, and adapt as needed.
  • While Hawaii took a bold move in codifying water as a public trust,  it never fully developed an economic framework to support it. The public trust is not free. Managing forest watersheds and maintaining stream health take dedicated funding from the public sector, more than the counties can raise through their water fees.
  • The demise of the large plantation export agricultural era has created a welcome opportunity to revive a sustainable foods system. It can only be seized through investment in repair, modernization and maintenance of century-old infrastructure that can be operated to support both irrigation needs, as well as public trust uses.
  • Roles and responsibilities between the state and county government entities to implement monitoring, assessment, and enforcement protocol need to be clarified, with full public disclosure.
  • The majority of our dams and reservoirs have become liabilities, especially for private landowners.  Investments are needed to address safety concerns and to capture valuable public benefits that include flood control, wildfire protection, water storage for agriculture, and recreation.
  • We cannot manage what we do not measure. As we enter an era of climate unpredictability, sustainable yields need to be accurate and timely and more monitoring wells and enhanced reporting from water users are needed.

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About the Author

Michael Buck

Michael Buck is a former Hawaii State Forester and Water Commissioner. He holds a masters of science in forest conservation and tropical agriculture.

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Love the excellent comments. My goal of the article was to frame the issue for future deliberations as I was disturbed with many of the snap judgements made after the Maui fire. I would be the first to admit that the historic implementation of the Water Code has been spotty. Implementation has improved over the past 8 years that I served on the Commission due to the Supreme court decisions on Waiahole, the united efforts of the Hawaiian water community, and the shutdown of plantation agriculture that cleared the politics. Historic decision were made (restoring all the water in East Maui kalo streams, recognition of Hawaii T&C priority rights in Na We Eha, designation of the Lahaina aquifer) because the Water Code was in place. I strongly believe that investments in water infrastructure (watersheds, reuse, delivery) can make more water available and reduce many of the current and future conflicts.

mgbuck · 1 year ago

The story of our life is poor planning. Knowing that you're running out of water, what do you do? Build more houses where there's no water. If you look at all the rampant development of the 70's in Hawaii prior to the enactment of environmental and regulatory laws, you can see all the mistakes that continue to occur. Lahaina is an example where development raged and the road remained the same. Kona is another example where more development is occurring and bumper-to-bumper traffic is the result. The problem is that the state doesn't take planning seriously. I agree that more data is sorely needed for basic things like sustainable yields for the different sectors. Moving water over several ahupua'a is a big mistake and this is occurring on a grand scale. Examples that come to mind include Maui, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai, some of which are remnants of plantation agriculture. We cannot continue to approve developments, then figure out everything else later such as water needs and road capacities. Money, not planning, drives development and therein lies the problem. There no consideration of costs later and who will bear it. I guess we know who bears the cost, US.

Aliiforaday · 1 year ago

Great overview but short on implementation. The problem is a lack of understanding by some commissioners and also hearing officers they hire for contested cases. The transition from plantation to Hawaii now is incomplete and few understand the hierarchy of water rights and implementation of these rights. Many power brokers attempted to block the State Water Code because it gave first rights to Hawaiian Homesteaders as well as those practicing traditional and customary rights just as taro growers and it took several years for enactment after it was approved by the legislature. An interesting case involved Molokai Hawaiian Homesteaders. After CWRM reserved 2.09 mgd for its future use, DHHL requested 450,000 gallons per day for its present use and waited 27 YEARS for CWRM to approve their request!!! What’s wrong with this picture??

Aliiforaday · 1 year ago

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