Courtesy: Susan G. Komen

About the Author

Rolanda Morgan

Rolanda Morgan is executive director of Komen Hawaii.

Would you be shocked to know that Hawaii ranks fifth-highest in the nation for breast cancer and rates increased in recent years, despite a stable national trend?

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Nationally, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and, despite improvements in survival, it remains the second-leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S. for women.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer nationwide, and of those one in three will become metastatic, with the cancer spreading to other parts of the body.

Some “good” news is that for breast cancer mortality rates, Hawaii has the third-lowest in the nation with rates demonstrating a steady decline for nearly three decades.

Decreasing deaths despite rising cases is the result of decades of research, scientific advances, education in early detection, support for those with the disease and excellent medical treatment.

An acknowledged leader in this fight is the Susan G. Komen organization that for more than four decades has addressed breast cancer on multiple fronts: research, community health, global outreach and public policy initiatives to make the biggest impact against this disease.

This work will not end until we achieve our mission of a world without breast cancer. We have a 360-degree approach through research, care, community and action.

A display at a recent Susan G. Komen walk in Kapiolani Park.
A display at a recent Susan G. Komen walk in Kapiolani Park. Courtesy: Susan G. Komen

You can help.

Whether you are a woman or a man, old or young, solo or part of a group, we invite you to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Hawaii with our first in-person More Than Pink Walk on Sunday, Oct. 2, in Kapiolani Park.

In addition to the 1.8-mile walk, the event includes booths and displays, with a Hope Village and We Remember area.

This work will not end until we achieve our mission of a world without breast cancer.

This major fund-raising event replaces Komen’s well-known “Race for a Cure.” We hope it will be more accessible and inclusive to our local breast cancer community and supporters to walk together in support of Komen’s vision of a world without breast cancer.

Participants are encouraged to walk as individuals, in families and in teams of friends or workmates, raising money through pledges of support or direct donations.

Those raising $100 or more will get a commemorative event T-shirt. Survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer will receive a T-shirt regardless of fundraising level.

Those who can’t join that morning or live on a neighbor island can hop on the treadmill, take to neighborhood sidewalks or the paths of a favorite local park or trail, on their own or with family, friends, caregivers and other team members nearby.

Registration for the walk is free and advance registration is encouraged at , where you can find complete event information.

And please, if you are not aware of the risk factors and detection signs for breast cancer, spend a few minutes on the to educate yourself and others near and dear to you.

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About the Author

Rolanda Morgan

Rolanda Morgan is executive director of Komen Hawaii.

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Those of us who have had cancer (twice for me) are tired of the rhetoric these pinkwashing campaigns spew. Think about it...wouldn't you want to prevent it rather than cure it? No family should have to suffer when we know that toxic chemicals collect in everyone's blood and tissues and are the main causes of most cancers. These campaigns take money from the very corporations who cause these illnesses AND they get a write off for it. Our approach needs to change when it comes to cancer. Think before you pink!

redahi · 2 years ago

Indeed, the difference between the breast cancer incidence and death rates in Hawaii is striking. In Nevada, the difference is also striking - but in the opposite direction: low incidence but a high death rate. Has anyone tried to understand what it is that Hawaii does right and Nevada does wrong?

Chiquita · 2 years ago

Big disclosures ~5 years ago on questionable use of funds by the Susan B. Komen organization. Think best to research before media support.

kateinhi · 2 years ago

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