John Pritchett/Civil Beat/2020

About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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The Bliss Of Going Back To Hanauma Bay

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About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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At the museum, right next to the Kealoha mailbox, there will be a pedestal displaying the Honolulu police time card with 300 overtime hours.And further down the in the museum there will an exhibit of a repeating video tape of first woman Police Chief, Susan Ballard, and some of her memorable quotes after taking over Kealoha's position saying, "We're going to put it behind us and move forward. We're going to move forward with integrity, we're going to move forward with ethics, we're going to move forward with collaboration with the public and the police department."Calls for police reform are "a knee-jerk reaction for things that are going on on the mainland," Ballard said during a meeting with the Honolulu Police Commission......

Joseppi · 4 years ago

In the 70s when my children were little we enjoyed Hanauma Bay.  My kids would stand in the shallow water with fish swimming around their ankles.  The abundance of fish was enchanting.  A couple of years ago my son and I went early to Hanauma Bay to enjoy some easy snorkeling.  The fish were sparse, very small, and it was hard to find even one of the formerly abundant parrot fish.  It seemed like the overuse of this beautiful bay had taken its toll.It is so nice to know that the bay is being restored, and hopefully we will learn a lesson.  This is a wonderful place for both tourists and kamaaina, and although the covid pandemic has been disatrous, it has provided some much needed ecological relief.

ljopple · 4 years ago

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