Editor’s note:For Hawaii’s Aug. 13 primary election, Civil Beat asked candidates to answer some questions.

The following came fromKealii Makekau, a candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee at-large position. There are six other candidates, includingDaniel Anthony,Haunani Apoliona,Douglas Crum, Leona Kalima,Paul Mossman andKelii Akina.

Go to Civil Beat’sElections Guidefor general information, and check out other candidates on thePrimary Election Ballot.

Kealii Makekau 

Name: Kealii Makekau

Office seeking: Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee at large

Occupation:Accredited resident manager

Community organizations: Order of Kamehameha 1; Elks Club #616

Age as of Aug. 13, 2016: 45

Place of residence: Honolulu

1. This year has seen an outsized influence from people who want bigchanges in how government is run. What would you do to change howOHA is run?

First a complete, independent fiscal forensic audit of allholdings and resources followed by a review of the Board of Trustees policy handbookand master plan by a committee of the whole. Lastly term limits for eachseat implemented.

2. Hawaii has long been dominated by the Democratic Partyestablishment. Should this change, and if so, how?

Yes. Hawaii’s peopleneed to stay in touch with government and who they vote to representthem. But people need to vote in order to do that.

3. Would you support eliminating Hawaii’s high fees for access to publicrecords when the request is in the public interest?

For public interest thefee should be reduced dramatically, say 80 percent for all peoples.

4. Voters complain their elected officials don’t listen to them. What wouldyou do to improve communication?

Again trustee term limits for starters,then a greater respect and obedience for the sunshine law and how it’sadministered. The more transparent you are the more informed are thepeople who will then be satisfied and up to date with ones actions.

5. What do you see as the most pressing issue facing your district? Whatwill you do about it?

Ending the Native Hawaiian governing entityprocess and all funded programs related to the nation building effort, whichhas since 2000 cost $33 million with no result.

6. Is OHA fulfilling its mandate to serve the Hawaiian people?

No! Since2000 the strategic plan has been centered on the formation of agovernment entity or tribe similar to Native Americans at a failed cost of$33 million plus. But sadly the majority of the Board of Trustees has let economicopportunities like a medical marijuana dispensary and the development ofthe Kakaako Makai properties remainsidelined without a master plan either due to incompetence or instructionsthat the new tribal entity will have the first shot at that and more.

Lastly thelong‐term sustainability of Native Hawaiian assets that provide for all of OHA’sefforts, like education, land management, fiscal resilience, economicsustainability and youth awareness must be managed and maintained properly,and as we have seen in the recent years that has not been the case as the trustis almost insolvent.

7. What are your views regarding Hawaiian independence?

Due toadmitted acts of insurgency, rebellion and the overthrow of the constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the de jure nation is under a continuedimpairment and is properly considered as an irregular state. It is, therefore, withinthe “perfect right” of the Hawaiian people to commence and completesovereignty reinstatement procedures. The reinstatement process has neverbeen brought up, examined or afforded resources via symposiums,academic debate and community dialogue. Until such time as thathappens, justice and complete respect to the law and sprit of our ancestorswill not be realized.

8. Are you satisfied with the way OHA has negotiated with the state overceded-land revenues?

Hell no! The ceded land settlement for Kakaako Makaiproperty proved to be an undervalued and mishandled negotiation from the start.Not securing the submerged lands’ water rights and inheriting the landfillcontamination has hampered the overall best use and value of the entire site.Fortunately commercial zoning is already in place and with experiencedmanagement and remediation work, the potential for a small commercial cityoffering employment opportunities for businesses both local and mainland can berealized. This would show Kakaako’s fullest potential and yield income for thetrust, which funds all of OHA’s programs.

9. Why do you think Hawaiians are disproportionately represented in ourprisons and jails? What can be done about it?

For some Hawaiians the Western model of living doesn’t work or relate to the value system neededto thrive in today’s world. Hawaiian charter schools have shown amazingresults, thus yielding a percentage of positive results all around. Funding forprograms like this and traditional rehab for inmates will help to reduce thedismal numbers and restore a vibrant community and ohana.

10. Do you support the construction of the TMT telescope atop MaunaKea?

Until such time as the first and obsolete telescopes aredecommissioned/dismantled and the overall cost for building and using itare proposed and realized with an environmental impact statement along with cultural practices andaccess, no.

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